Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Mason's next surgery is scheduled for day after tomorrow, (!!!) Friday, January 7 at 10:00am.

We were surprised to find that the ulna has "grown" as far as it can go toward the wrist, and Mason can stop wrenching!  On the x-ray the gap looks pretty wide - the doc says there is good bone growth in there.  I'm going to have to take her word for it, because I can't see that.  Looks empty to me.  She was very pleased with how things progressed (I can't help but add here, "especially since she wasted a week telling Mason to turn it the wrong way". Not nice of me, but....).

Anyway....they will take out the fixator and the pins, and put a new stainless steel plate over the new bone growth (both sides of the bone) to stabilize it, then release him with JUST A SPLINT!!  No cast! I thought Mason would be thrilled with that, but he is actually a little nervous.  I'm thinking the plate probably will hold everything together and the splint is insurance.  She did say no to contact sports for a while, and NO to collision sports (ie lacrosse).....not sure how long awhile is.

He will get a 2 week healing period before he starts back into occupational therapy.  That's when we will see if this all worked like we  hope.  Ugh.

So only one more day of the external fixator (yay) and no more painful bone wrenching (YAY)!!!

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