Sunday, January 23, 2011

10 is the new 8

Yep.  We are delayed.  Seems a couple of emergency appendectomies took our OR.  So instead of starving Mason for 8 hours, they are starving him for 10.  (his words)

Last night was pretty good.  Mason spiked a high fever around 11:30 but by 1:00 was pretty comfortable, and has remained fever free.  That's kind of how bugs do it, I guess.  The surgeon came by this morning and said the latest word is that the germ in Mason's arm is staph, although so far it does not show MRSA characteristics. (Yay!!) The culture is still growing, but this seems promising, and she *may* close his arm today if it looks good when she is in there.

Will keep you posted.

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