Wednesday, December 29, 2010

getting there....

Today was another orthopedic check-in, and it was less eventful than last week, thankfully.  Mason's ulna has moved apart about 5 mm, which is about .2 inches.  We are hoping for around 17-20 mm, which is not quite an inch.  His next surgery to remove the external fixator and add a new plate directly on the ulna is tentatively scheduled for Friday, January 14.  It actually is set for the 7th, but since we missed a week we are probably looking at the next week, which is ok.

Today the doctor adjusted the external fixator at the elbow because it was getting a little too snug against Mason's arm.  That was done with metric allen wrenches, and was a little painful.  Basically anything is painful these days, and if you look at the x-ray you can see why!  But the doctor says he is putting on bone, and it is looking like it is supposed to.  The ends of the ulna look like they're being pulled apart side-to-side in addition to length (and they are) but I guess that's not a biggie - she will clamp them in place during the next surgery.

So, all in all things are looking good, in orthopedic terms, for this week. 

Oh yea.....they gave Mason back the (sterilized) plates they took out from the 2007 surgery.  One was kinda thicker (from the radius), one was thin and kinda bendy (from the ulna).  The quarter was not in his arm, it's just there for scale. :)

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