Thursday, December 9, 2010

Surgery time is 10:00

I talked to the hospital a bit ago, and Mason's surgery is now scheduled for 10:00am tomorrow morning, so he won't have to check in until 8:30am.  So he can get a little more shut-eye in the morning, which is probably a good thing.  I was just thinking it was nice to be first because its less likely to be delayed if you're first. Oh well, back to that "be flexible" thing, right?

They did also warn me that this is a busy time of year for them, and there is always a danger of beds being full and his surgery being delayed or postponed.  Ugh.  Let's hope that doesn't happen!


  1. We are 'rooting' for you all and praying that this is going to be the miracle you've been waiting for.

  2. Am hoping the surgery wasn't delayed. :)
