Monday, November 28, 2011

so far, so good

Mason had an impromptu visit with the doctor this afternoon, and there is no sign of infection so far. Yay!  It is not uncommon to run a little fever in the days following surgery...but it is something to keep an eye on, especially with his history.

His incision looked pretty good, but he had a really big blood blister looking spot where the soft tissue was stretched/damaged during the procedure.  The doc said it will heal fine with no scarring, but it was pretty weird looking. You can see it under the yellow gauze - the incision is at the bottom of his arm, and stretches nearly the length of his forearm.  Overall there is still quite a bit of swelling and bruising, but nothing unexpected.  The doctor probed his arm, and there was no pain around the incision, just around the elbow where the soft tissue is angry.

The doctor put a full arm cast on it (which makes me happy because it is more protected for going back to school) and he will go back next Monday, Dec 5, after the Infectious Disease clinic visit.  Hopefully we will have an uneventful week with no fevers, no new pain.

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