Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Around 9:30 last night Mason was finally able to wiggle his fingers. His block was placed at 7:30am, so it was over 12 hours and he was starting to worry that something horrible had gone wrong.

No fears--the block definitely wore off. And when it did, it was like a wrecking ball swinging through this room. Nothing happens fast enough when your child is in that kind of pain, but they finally were able to get things under control. I was picturing his bones being chiseled and the muscles and ligaments being spread, and I could picture all this nerves screaming in protest.....and I was powerless. Sure, I can lean on the nurses, but I discovered last night that I no longer have healing powers. The mommy medicine of kisses, cool cloths on the forehead, holding his hand, stroking his face.....none of that helps at his age. In fact, what was once a comfort is now an annoyance. And this is how it should be, as he is growing up. But it was a reality check for me. I have to find my way to be the support he needs now, so I am learning. It's weird.

Anyway, we seem to have the pain under control now. Masons surgeon came by early, followed by a gaggle of other various doctors, some looking not much older than Mason. This is a teaching hospital after all. The doc says we will see how he does this morning and if all is well he will head home this afternoon.

I will update from home where I have a real keyboard for typing. I love my iPad, but I get a little long-winded for it to be comfortable.


  1. wally_lisa_olson@yahoo.comNovember 23, 2011 at 11:48 AM

    Hope your morning is going well so that you can take Mason home. Last night sounds like torture for both of you. Thinking about them growing up is exciting & heartbreaking. You're a good momma :-) Let Mason know we are rooting for him.
    Still in our thoughts & prayers.

  2. Oh, I hope you and Mason got home. It IS tough being a Mom of a teen, or young adult, when they are sick or hurting. You will find your way through all of this. Hope that you are on your way home, and that you all can get some rest tonight.
