Wednesday, February 2, 2011

dem bones

Today was another doctor visit, this time to the orthopedic doc.  It was a fairly uneventful visit, which is GOOD!

The doctor says Mason is piling up lots-o-bone in the distraction area, and is looking at perhaps early March to take the plate out.  Mason is thinking that would be a horrible birthday present (his birthday being March 13) but I guess we will see what happens.

I have to admit that this time, I do actually see where the bone is growing in on the x-ray! I guess all that milk he has been drinking, along with the beating of drum sticks is paying off.  After he has the plate removed he will wear a splint for a month or two, and will still be on restriction from contact sports and heavy lifting.  But by summer wakeboarding season he should be good to go!

Mason also got his stitches out today!  Hank had made an effort to help out with that this morning, and had actually (accidentally) taken out one of the stitches. Mason said it hurt about the same when the nurse took them out as when Hank's claw took it out.  At any rate, his incision is looking good, and we are very hopeful that the new drugs are going to keep things moving along in the direction we want.  Taking the drugs is for sure no fun, but I'm going to get a different probiotic the doctor recommended to see if we can get rid of the general yucky feeling Mason has while on the dope.

Next appointment is Valentines Day with the infectious disease department!


  1. At least you have a dog who can do some real work!

  2. That stinkin dog! He's such a clown!

    Glad to hear there is bone growth!
