Friday, February 25, 2011

cautiously optimistic

We did beat rush hour, and got home about 3:30ish.   Extreme hunger was our first order of business, now we are working on pain control.  So far so good.  I am a little leery of the overnight hours after our last outpatient experience, but I'm hoping that I'm just being paranoid.  I will be much more comfortable after tomorrow gets here, and Mason is consistently comfortable.

The surgeon said the new bone growth looked great, and all the tissue looked great - no signs of infection.  She also said the hole in the bone from the infection was already filled in.  So now we just have to get the screw holes to fill in, and that new bone to get good and solid.  She wasn't sure on how long that will take - till she thinks it looks good to her I guess.  Somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 weeks or so, subject to change without notice.

This morning Mason was starving, of course, but he said he actually felt the "best in a long time", because he couldn't take anything by mouth - including his antibiotics.  It was a nice reprieve, however, it is short-lived. They informed him he has to start back on the oral medication this evening.  Oh well.  He has an appointment with the infectious disease doctor on Monday, and she is the supreme commander of medicinal torture.  I am hopeful that she will tell him he is DONE.   We shall see how his labs look on Monday.

This morning Mason seemed so much more peaceful than he has before other surgeries....maybe it was the good vibes and prayers people were sending his way, or not being on the horrible medicine, or maybe it was because he knows this is a corner turned, but it whatever it was - it lightened my heart a little to see it.

1 comment:

  1. Boy this has been a long road. Sounds like you're making forward progress!
