Tuesday, March 1, 2011

a picture is worth....

For all those who need (or just like) pictures with their stories, here it is:  the newest and LAST incision on Mason's arm!

This time he has steri-strips, which he prefers to the stitches.  His doctor tries to keep him happy when possible....which hasn't been often enough!

And here's one more tidbit:  I just gave Mason his LAST rifampin capsule!  Hip hip hooray!  He might kinda miss having bright orange urine every morning, but he won't miss taking the pills.  (sorry if that was "orange zone" information.)


  1. That IS the best incision so far... looks WAY better than the other pics!

    Yay on the reducing meds!

  2. Rats. Did anyone ever take a picture of the orange pee??!

  3. Anything to be done with this whole thing is great. Glad to hear it finally ended up decently (fingers crossed and wood knocked). -
