64 days.
That’s how much time between now, and the new date for Mason’s surgery.
He is now scheduled for Tuesday, November 22. This was switched because there is an upper extremity specialist (with a limited schedule) who is joining our regular surgeon on this procedure. We figure 2 heads/set of hands are better than one, so this is a good thing. The plan is to keep him overnight, and follow him very closely, as he is now at increased risk for infection.
I have done some research on the procedure they will be doing, and it looks like there is a good success rates when done on kids with dislocated elbows due to ulnar bowing……resulting from injury. Of course there is NO documentation about it being performed on someone with bowing that was not caused by trauma….but still I am cautiously optimistic.
Mason will go in on November 2 for a clinic visit, and I think they are planning to do a bone age study on him to get a handle on how much more he might grow, since the discrepancy between the closed growth plate of the ulna and the rest of his arm seems to be pretty problematic. The good news is that your arms and legs quit growing before the rest of you, so maybe we’re getting close to stability there.
For now Mason keeps marching on, figuratively and literally, as he is rocking the SMS drumline. I will update after he has his visit early November. Thanks for checking on him. :)